Actually, recently I had a thing bothering and made me to learn and made some move into it.
It still a dreaming plan and yet to reveal..and, it also made me needed to see my dear friend Malis. She just finished her master in language course and shortly to further her PhD. Huhu...
I think nowadays, to become somebody or pursuit to any direction, it a must to have atleast a MASTER.
Or else, just fight till the death..heheh....
Adored of the 'room(or door) which hanged your name onto it' is the example.
Bestkan...mcm professional je..(walhal keje skrg pun dikira kategori professional jugak...hehe, tp lain...)
Senyuman seorang lecturer....(ada unsur2 jeles org yg tulis ni...hehe)
Back from UKM, straight away to KLCC..cuti mata and sempat jugak rembat dress for Alani. It was a discounted item, lucky me!
And, back from KLCC rushed to Kelana Jaya, hubby ambik and pick up our kids to pick up my sistas in law. They were here to shop for raya..semangatkan...dtg dr JB semata2 nak carik few items utk lengkapkan keperluan..hehehe....we brought them to Ikano. Shopping lagi....
And, for us...we managed to get these few dresses and leg socks(in pink stripe and white flowery in d pixs) for Alani. For Ako, will repeat after this...
6 days remaining...
tOmeinye baju for Alani...
pink kaler!! luv it...
bole tak i nak but baju pink for my Adam..haha... apa kes la mama nih.. lagik..x cukup lagi baju adam nih..
Haiyaaa..sumer orang sibuk buat persediaan raya..sibuk shopping and so on.. Believe or not, kak tirana tak shopping apa pun lagi..kuih raya baru buat sikit-sikit aje..rumah tak berkemas lagi..terasa malas tahap gaban..hehehe..
comelnyeee baju diaaaa.... :D
Ina and Sadi...cute kan baju2 baby girl ni...pinkish semua...Ina, kalau nak kasik Adam pakai pink pun boleh, cuma kena pakaikan songkok la...takut org tak tahu jantina,..heheh...
kak Tirana, takpe..sempat lagi..last2 minute ni org dah balik kg...lagi senang nak shopping...
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